zondag 28 juni 2020

Nieuw Nickerie - Georgetown (Map)

Sunergon was occupied 2 voyages rice in big bags

MV Sunergon was occupied some weeks with 2 voyages rice in big bags.

Loaded in Nickerie, Suriname to Georgetown, Guyana.
At Guyana cargo discharged into MV FWN Solide

                                          Nickerie, Suriname

                                         Georgetown, Guayna

zondag 3 mei 2020

May 2020 underway to Tampico, Mexico

Yes, we see our Vertom company colleagues on Beautriton passing nearby.  

Paramaribo, Surinam

Berthed at Paramaribo.

Isolated crew due to Corona virus.
Nowhere to step on shore

Previous voyage March - April 2020

Sunergon loaded at Brunswick, USA for Paramaribo, Surinam.
Cargo of Soyabeanmeal.